Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The beginning of a great adventure

I have been talking about starting a blog for all friends and family interested in following my adventures and trials over the next two years with the Peace Corps.


A little background for those who didn’t know before; I began my application process with the Peace Corps in early January and it was late July before I finally found out my placement. Since then I have been preparing to spend the next twenty-seven months teaching science courses in the south-African country of Lesotho. The first three months in country will be spent in language and culture training. After passing a language proficiency test (let’s hope I do!), I will be placed in a small village and assigned to a school and class/es.

There is much I will not know until I arrive, such as whether or not I will have electricity or running water in my living quarters-most likely I wont! Therefore, there is no telling how often I will be able to update the blog.

I leave in 8 days!  

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